Seeing a Family Dentist Stockton CA Can Help Your Overall Health

by | Feb 4, 2014 | Dentist

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Recent clinical and epidemiological studies have shown a link between oral diseases, particularly periodontal infections and systemic diseases. The link between the two issues marks the advent of a new paradigm in the field of oral health. Periodontal infections are now recognized as a risk factor in cardiovascular disease, strokes, low birth weight, worsening of diabetes, pneumonia and bacteremia. This makes it all the more reason to see a Family Dentist Stockton CA regularly. Get in touch with Dr. Rujul G. Parikh D.D.S. for more details.

Cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease and stroke
People with periodontal disease are subject to a greater risk of heart disease. In fact, they are twice as likely to have a fatal heart attack, than people that are periodontally unscathed. The accepted hypothesis is the following: bacteria that causes periodontal disease can also cause small clumps of clotted and infected blood. The release of this material (called emboli) into the bloodstream is known as an embolism. In this case, the mass of bacteria is known as a septic embolism. The risk is that the obstruction of a peripheral or pulmonary artery (thrombosis) could cause ischemia. This is why seeing a Family Dentist Stockton CA has become so important

Premature pregnancy
Periodontal disease is a proven risk factor for the mother when giving birth to premature babies. Premature babies are, by definition, children born weighing less than 5.5 pounds after 37 weeks of gestation. It is believed that periodontal disease caused the rupture of membranes, and maternal or fetal complications. Family Dentist Stockton CA believe there is a positive correlation between periodontal infection and preterm delivery. The mechanism would be that the periodontally-infected harbor bacteria and are inflammatory mediators. These elements contribute to the stimulation of prostaglandins that even play a decisive role in the different mechanisms of preterm birth.

If diabetes is not controlled in a patient, it becomes an important risk factor in the etiology of periodontal disease. This link would be reciprocal, and severe periodontitis would affect the control of blood glucose, thus exacerbating diabetes. When diabetes is not controlled, the risk of gingivitis and periodontal disease increases. Patients with diabetes may have advanced periodontal abscess issues, along with other oral diseases. For more information on staying healthy through oral hygiene, contact today.

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