Aluminum Vs. Vinyl Windows in Columbus, Ohio

by | Jun 20, 2018 | Window Installation Service

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Choosing the right windows can make a big difference in both the appearance and the energy efficiency of the home. Two of the more popular low-maintenance options are aluminum and Vinyl Windows in Columbus Ohio. Both of these materials are durable and lightweight, but they differ in other characteristics.


One of the first things typically taken into consideration when choosing windows is their cost. Vinyl Windows in Columbus Ohio tend to be less expensive than aluminum, costing between $500 and $675 for casement windows compared to $650 to $850 for aluminum windows. Sliding windows cost a bit more and awning windows a bit less. Installation costs will be extra and vary by location.

Insulating Ability

Vinyl windows provide excellent insulation. They do a better job than aluminum windows, which only rank fair to good for insulating ability depending on the type chosen. This means your heating and cooling costs are likely to be affected more with vinyl windows. Vinyl frames with thermal panes are better than aluminum frames for limiting sweating, which could damage the window sill or cause mold. Opt for thermal-pane windows with Energy Star ratings for the best insulating ability. Look for Low-E, double-pane windows filled with argon gas.


Many colors are available in either of these window types, but if you opt for vinyl windows, they can’t be painted later if you change your mind about the color. You can get either type of window in a wide variety of sizes, shapes and pane types. White vinyl windows are one of the most popular choices, but aluminum windows can be more aesthetically appealing. However, because the color on aluminum windows comes from a coating, the metal will show through if the windows become scratched or chipped.


Aluminum windows hold up in pretty much any climate, but vinyl windows aren’t the best choice in areas with extreme temperature changes. The only maintenance typically required is cleaning the frame and window washing. Aluminum windows are easier to find in impact-resistant versions, which are good to have in areas prone to high winds and hurricanes.

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