How Bad Can Bad Data Be? Fixing Your Bad Data Problems

by | Jan 25, 2016 | Computer And Software

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Bad information can cripple your business. A wrong address means delays in delivery. An incomplete data can take too long to fix and disqualify you from the automation rate. You could end up paying $4,000 in extra postage fees alone, according to Printing.Org. That amount could seriously cut into your profits and leave your bottom line in bad shape. These are just a few things that could happen if you let bad data get its way. Don’t know what to do? Here are 4 tips on how to fix the problem:

Stop the Money Drain
Inefficient processes could be one major reason why a lot of your funds go into fixing your mailing mistakes. Determine the weaknesses in your mail preparation system. Do you always find yourself paying for more than you should? Still have a mountain of costs from all the undeliverable mail as well as postal returns you have? Those are all signs that the current system you have isn’t working. Look around. Build a better system by getting the right tools.

Get the Right Tools
And these should include USPS software solutions designed to help you improve your data quality. Make sure your customer addresses are standardized, formatted, corrected, and verified in complete compliance with the United States Postal Service regulations. With USPS software solutions, you can eliminate a lot of the errors and hassles inherent in the mail preparation and sorting phases. With that out of the way, you’d enjoy faster mail deliveries and less mailing mistakes.

Other Tips
Knowing the right information can also save you a lot of expense and trouble. Here’s how:

Use the Right Shape
The Postal Service recognizes four shape categories for your mail: letters, cards, flats, and parcels. Each one comes with different preparation rates as well as standards. The least expensive of all these is the letter. So if you’ve got a flat mail to send, consider reformatting or folding the mail to match the size and shape of a letter. That way, you can save a lot in postage fees.

Understand the Machine
Know how postal equipment work. That is, square pieces aren’t eligible for automation rates. That’s because the machine is designed to work with rectangular pieces at great speeds. So if you want to save up on delivery rates, make sure your mails are machinable, meaning they’re rendered in the right shape. This will keep you from spending more than you should.

So improve your business by improving your data quality. If you want to know more about USPS-compliant software solutions, visit

Fix your data quality problems with USPS software solutions!

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