How Pooled Investments May Benefit Your Portfolio

by | Dec 13, 2016 | Oil and Gas

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When reviewing oil companies within the stock markets you may have come to the conclusion that they are an excellent investment over the longer term, but do you know how you can benefit by pooling your investment with others to find ways to invest in oil, while not risking your entire portfolio?

Pooling Investments Is Not a New Strategy

Financial advisers and other interested professionals within the investment industry have known the pooling investments is a great way for individuals to spread the risks associated to savings and where your money is held.

For decades, investment trusts and mutual funds have been a great example of pooled investments. In some countries across the world unit trusts have served the same purpose, as do many insurance investment bonds. This type of investment allows you to find ways to invest in oil without a large portion of your portfolio standing in one company, stock or commodity.

Essentially, to reduce the risk overall to each individual, a high number of people, with relatively small amounts of money, invest into a fund. The total amount of the fund can become large which makes the investment substantial overall. This can help increase the returns on the investment while reducing each individual’s risk involved.

Pension Funds Are Often Pooled Investments

Unless your pension funds invest direct into companies listed on the stock markets, your money may be invested within pooled funds to limit your exposure by investing across a range of companies, rather than one, with the same financial input.

Pooled funds are often administered by experts that understand how to diversify your funds across a range of suitable investments. In this manner, where one or two of the companies perform poorly, your overall fund will stay in good shape if the majority perform well.

Moving Away from Traditional Funds

Safe traditional investments may not provide you with the excitement or returns that you expect when all of your money is invested in safe stock market shares and a variety of government fixed income opportunities.

When you wish to step outside of that comfort zone and look at ways to invest in oil yet retain a high level of safety with your money, pooled funds may become the exact style of investment that suits your needs.

Nevertheless, you should not accept that all pooled funds are 100% safe, compared to traditional bank savings accounts. You will ensure that any company that deals with your money as pooled funds, has a vast record of due diligence. Looking into the experience of the management, their track record in discussing how they have performed when your friends or colleagues have made investments, will set you on a sound footing to make your investment decisions.

For expert advice about ways to invest in oil through crowdfunding, request information from website. They will explain how pooled funding is an excellent investment opportunity.

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