How to Choose a Storage Facility in York

by | Dec 25, 2019 | Storage

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If you are looking or the right storage solution for your needs, you may be struggling with finding the ideal location to take your business to. With so many different options to choose from, it is easy to see how this decision can feel overwhelming. However, there are a few characteristics you should look out for to help you narrow down your choices.

24/7 Surveillance

One major feature to look for in a storage facility York, PA is 24/7 surveillance cameras on the premises. Security is critical for reducing the risk of break ins and potential theft. Some storage facilities also offer on-site security guards to add further protection.


Another thing you should consider when comparing storage facility York PA options is the ease of access to your individual unit. Look for facilities that are near your primary location and that offer keyless entry and 24/7 access. This will make it easier for you to retrieve items from your unit when you need them.

Storage facilities come in varying levels of quality. Be sure to carefully compare all of your options before making your final decision. Doing so can help you avoid regrets later on such as receiving poor customer service or worse– burglaries. A Better Rate Storage is proud to offer affordable and secure storage units for all of your needs in your local community. Different unit sizes and added options available!

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