How to Get Spiders Out of Your Home in Ankeny IA

by | Jan 27, 2020 | Pest Control

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If you have noticed more spiders than normal in your home, don’t go straight for burning the whole place down!! There are actions you can take for spider control in Ankeny, IA, that are not nearly as drastic. From some simple steps you can take in your home to calling in the professionals, you can get your spider problem under control.

Are there steps you can take in your home to keep spiders under control?

The first step you need to take in getting spiders out of your house or away from the exterior of your home is to cut off their food supply. Outside your home, move your trash bins away from your house. Trash bins attract flies and other insects, so they are like a fast food joint for spiders. By keeping the bins away from your home, you reduce the supply of food to spiders. Inside your home, keep your kitchen clean. An explosion of gnats or roaches will keep spiders eating well and make them feel right at home in your home.

It is also important you seal up cracks in your home. Cracks give spiders easy access to come into a warm and cozy space, so do not give them that option!

When do you need to call the professionals?

If you are seeing a lot of spiders, it is time to call in the professionals. They will get your spider problem under control quickly and efficiently. To find out more about spider control in Ankeny, IA, go to website

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