Internal Medicine of Griffin Providing Quality Health Care Services in Barnesville, GA

by | Jan 21, 2020 | Healthcare

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Internal Medicine of Griffin is a medical office in Griffin, GA. Our office has been a trusted medical provider for almost six decades. We provide a variety of medical services, and we are just a short drive away from Barnesville. We welcome you to learn more about Internal Medicine of Griffin in the short blog below.

Preventative care

Internal Medicine of Griffin provides superior healthcare in Barnesville, GA. Our office is a firm believer in providing preventive care. Preventative care is necessary. Our preventative health care services include but are not limited to smoking cessation, immunizations, counseling, and encouraging safe sex practices.

High-end medical equipment

Internal Medicine of Griffin is equipped with the latest medical equipment. We perform ultrasounds, X-RAYS, echocardiograms, and stress tests in our office. Our medical equipment also allows us to properly treat chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic kidney disease, cholesterol issues, heart disease, hyperthyroidism, and many other conditions as well. Our prestigious equipment allows us to properly diagnose our patients’ conditions.


If your child needs a school physical, then Internal Medicine of Griffin can help. We provide physicals in our Griffin office. Our office also offers annual adult physicals.

Contact us to schedule an appointment

If you need healthcare in Barnesville, GA, then you can depend on Internal Medicine of Griffin. Visit the website to schedule an appointment.

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