Is the ATPase Assay Right for Your Needs?

by | Oct 10, 2018 | Laboratory

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As you start to search for the right assays, it becomes very important that you understand your exact requirements. This will make it much easier for you to parse through the options and find an ATPase assay, or any other assay for that matter, that is going to work for your needs. When you are searching for the assay, one of the first things that you should do is look at the common applications for which it is being used and what it is capable of doing. This will help to give you a better idea of whether it might be right for you.

How Is the Transcreener ATPase Assay Being Applied Currently?

Some of the most common applications for the ATPase activity assays include being used for screen compound libraries for enzyme inhibitors. They can measure enzyme activity, determine the resistance times for inhibitors, determine the inhibitory selectivity between various enzymes, and can provide profile hits for the potency of inhibitors.

For those who want to have a safe option for their assays, this is non-radioactive, and it can provide you with more accuracy and fewer false positives than you might find with other types of assays on the market today. This, combined with the ease of use could be just what you have been hoping to find.

Not As Many Steps With the ATPase Assay Kit

Another reason that you may want to consider using this kit is because it has fewer addition steps. Naturally, this means that you can take care of your work quicker and get your results faster. There is not going to be as much interference or chance for error because there are fewer steps. You will also find that there are three readout options that you can choose. These include the fluorescence polarization, fluorescence intensity, and the TR-FRET assay.

If you are unsure of what ATPase assay you choose, or if you are wondering whether another option might be the best choice for you, get in touch with BellBrook Labs. With the assays and expertise offered by the company, it should be possible to find just what you need.

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