Most Common Signs that Indicate a Bad Floor Heating Thermostat

by | Dec 23, 2020 | Tiles

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Electric floor heating has grown in popularity over the years with more households every day choosing this method of home heating over traditional forced-air heating. While floor heating systems are highly reliable and long-lasting, sometimes they need minor repairs. Learn more below about the signs of a bad floor heating thermostat and call a qualified repair technician to fix the problem.

The Heating System Doesn’t Turn On

This is an obvious and frustrating sign that something isn’t right with the floor heating thermostat. When the thermostat fails to turn on the system, it’s usually because the heating cable was damaged during the installation process.

The Thermostat Overheats

The thermostats overheat when the circuit is overloaded. When installing a heated flooring system, installers must ensure the voltage is correct and matches the circuit and the thermostat. If the voltage doesn’t match and the thermostat overheats, this can cause the mechanism to melt.

How to Ensure Proper Thermostat Operation

Homeowners can avoid unnecessary thermostat repairs and corresponding problems by always making sure they hire the right people to install the flooring system. Demand is high for electric floor heating, but that doesn’t mean every electrician or flooring company knows how to install the system.

Check with the installer to find out how many of these systems they’ve installed in the past to gain a better idea of how knowledgeable they are about the product. Homeowners should also hire professionals with the right expertise to make sure their new heating system’s warranty is protected. Doing these two things will ensure that all parts of the system, including the floor heating thermostat work as expected.

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