Questions That Child Custody Lawyers in Bee Cave, TX Will Ask

by | May 27, 2019 | Lawyers

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In Texas, child custody cases require attorneys to ask their clients tough questions in preparation for court. The court scrutinizes each party in a custody hearing and unearths any secrets. Child custody lawyers in Bee Cave, TX present potential questions that the court is likely to ask their clients and avoid common mistakes.

Does the Petitioner Have Adequate Space for the Child in Their Home?

The petitioner must have a bedroom specifically for the child. A social worker visits the parent’s home and assesses the living conditions. The home must be clean and free of serious hazards.

Does the Petitioner Have a Stable Work History?

The petitioner must have a stable work history and provide evidence to the fact. Their income is evaluated, and the court reviews the monthly gross income of the parent. They must have an adequate income to support the child.

Does the Petitioner Have After-School Child Care?

If the petitioner works beyond school hours, then they need after-school child care for their child. Evidence of the service is presented to the court. If childcare isn’t available, then the petitioner must set up an arrangement with a family member or the opposing parent.

Are There Any Risks to the Child Present in the Home?

The location of the petitioner’s home could play a role in the assessment of risks. A high-crime area increases potential risks to the child if the opposing parent lives in a safer neighborhood. Additionally, any sign of addiction might prevent the petitioner from receiving child custody.

Who Visits the Home Frequently?

The court reviews any parties that visit the petitioner’s home frequently. If any party presents a risk to the child, then they could affect the petitioner’s chances of winning their case. The same assessment is conducted for the opposition.

In Texas, child custody cases require preparation and serious answers from the client. A parent that wants to seek custody must provide evidence of specific aspects of their lives. The court wants to know if the petitioner is a suitable parent for the child. Petitioners who want to learn more about the practices contact child custody lawyers Bee Cave, TX at Margaglione Law, PLLC now.

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