The Dentists in Annapolis Offer Dazzling White Smiles

by | May 16, 2018 | Dentistry

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Tooth stains are common and can occur at any age, but are more likely to occur as a person grows older. When individuals find themselves with lackluster smiles due to their tooth stains, they can feel embarrassed about their appearance. The Dentists Annapolis offer teeth whitening treatments that help individuals to overcome their tooth stains and dramatically whiten their smiles. With this information, individuals will better understand what they can expect from teeth whitening treatments.

How Are Tooth Stains Removed?

Tooth stains are removed using a strong peroxide solution that is painted on the teeth and left in place for a timed period. Peroxide works to bubble away the stains by breaking up the molecules and causing them to be scattered. Each treatment typically takes around an hour. The patient will lie comfortably in the dental chair and can use their phone, read, a book, or listen to music so the treatment is more relaxing.

The patient’s gums and lips will be protected before the whitening agent is applied. Protecting these sensitive tissues is important so irritation does not occur. Each tooth front will be painted with the whitening agent and then the timer will be set. The Dentists Annapolis will check the results on a regular basis to see how the treatment is progressing.

Some patients will end up needing more than one teeth whitening treatment, depending on their degree of staining. Some patients are given at-home whitening protocols to use so their stains can continue to be treated at home.

How Can Patients Keep Their Teeth White?

The results of a teeth whitening treatment can last up to two years, as long as the patient takes care of their smile and works to ensure they brush and floss as often as they should. Brushing after eating or drinking foods and beverages that are known to stain will help to keep stains at bay. It is also important patients avoid smoking which can cause pronounced staining.

If you would like to learn more about teeth whitening, Browse Site at visit us website. Call the office right away if you would like to schedule a consultation to see if you are a good candidate for teeth whitening.

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