The Potential Advantages of Bio Identical Hormone Treatment for Menopausal Women

by | Feb 13, 2019 | Medical Spa

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Bio Identical Hormone Treatment is appealing to older women who want to try the therapy for rejuvenating effects and also for those who want relief from unpleasant symptoms of menopause onset. As prescribed by a physician and used under this doctor’s supervision, the hormone therapy can be effective for these purposes.

An Alternative to HRT

For many menopausal women, Bio Identical Hormone Treatment is appealing as an alternative to hormone replacement therapy. They worry about the side effects and complications some women experience from traditional HRT. They feel more comfortable about the possibility of treatment with synthetic, plant-based bioidentical hormones.

The products are crafted at compounding pharmacies. They are chemically identical to human hormones after being processed in a lab. Bio identical hormones do not work for everyone dealing with unwanted symptoms of menopause onset, unfortunately. Yet many report a significant reduction in hot flashes, night sweats and moodiness.

Night Sweats and Hot Flashes

Menopausal women hate waking up in the middle of the night drenched in perspiration. They are embarrassed about what their significant other feels about all this. Some experience sudden hot flashes at work or out with friends, leaving them feeling sweaty, shaky and sometimes nauseous. They are anxious to find a medical solution that works.

Hair and Skin Benefits

While taking bio identical hormones for these problems as prescribed through a clinic such as Fontaine MD, many women experience other benefits. They report that they don’t lose as much hair whenever they wash, comb or brush it. It’s normal for a certain amount of hair to be shed, but older women are dismayed when it starts falling out faster than it grows in. They also are happy to see improvements in their skin, with more of a youthful glow and better hydration. The website has more details on this therapy.

Two Advantages of Menopause

With these effects, women can now focus on the advantages that come with menopause. A major one is no longer having to use birth control unless they choose to for safe sex purposes. A second advantage is no longer having the monthly inconvenience they have been dealing with for decades. Many see these two advantages as cause for celebration. You can pay a visit to Facebook page for more information.

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