What Does A Child Custody Lawyer Do?

by | Dec 16, 2019 | Law

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Divorced, separated or divorcing or separating parents often call upon an Columbus IN custody lawyer to help them create agreements that determine where their children will live and to cement the visitation rights of the non-custodial parent. The parents of the child do not have to be divorcing or separating and parents who are not married to each other will also call upon a custody lawyer.

The term “child custody” is one which is used to describe the care and custody of minor children. It makes no difference what the custodial arrangements were while the parents were together, when there are disputes over the care of the child or children they happen when the parents decide to go their separate ways. In many cases the parents can make the decision without any outside influence, deciding where the children will live and the amount of time they will spend with each parent. In the event a decision cannot be arrived at independently, an Columbus IN custody lawyer is needed to work towards an acceptable solution.

There are different types of child custody; these include sole custody where one of the parents enjoys physical custody and shared custody where both parents share physical custody for a given period. Shared custody does not have to be 50/50; it can be any percentage that the parents agree. In either instance, while the child is in the care of one parent or another the parent has the right to make whatever decisions that must be made when it comes to the child’s education, upbringing, medical care, etc.

Of course with child care there is not only legal custody, there is the issue of visitation. In many cases, the children live with one parent for the majority of the time and visit the other parent a couple of weekends every month and during the school summer vacation. This is a typical arrangement but there is no reason the parents cannot agree on any other understanding that suits them and the children.

An Columbus IN custody lawyer is not only involved in helping to determine physical custodial rights but also the same lawyer will often help negotiate child support. Child support is money that is paid by the non-custodial parent to the custodial parent; this money is to be used to help defray the expenses that are part of raising the child. Child support may be used for education, food, clothing and anything else which is directly related to the child.

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