What to Consider While Booking your Flight Tickets

by | Feb 26, 2015 | Travel

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Simply booking your flight tickets is not enough; you need to keep certain things in mind before you do so. This will save you loads of hassles in the future. The first thing to weigh carefully is the price. The prices of tickets should be compared by you before taking a final decision. However, do bear in mind that it is not the be-all and end-all of your journey. Many passengers have had to cough up huge additional fees and baggage charges upon booking low priced tickets so a little care and caution is necessary in this regard. Always check the total number of stops that are present on your travel itinerary. This will give you a good idea regarding the actual value of your ticket.

Should you actually drop down at one or two destinations just to save money on your overall journey? This is one call that you will have to take before booking your flight tickets. Also check out the baggage allowance criteria as specified by the airline in question. There are certain fees in place for additional luggage above the prescribed limit and this is something you will have to keep in mind for sure! Check out rewards and loyalty programmes offered by airlines if you are a frequent flier. Go for an airline which gives you certain benefits in return for flying frequently with it. Flight timings are other important factors that you have to factor in as well.

Timings have to be kept in mind before settling on your desired flight tickets. Always consider your own convenience and all other aspects before zeroing in on a flight ticket instead of blindly rushing for the first one available to you. Additionally, make it a point to check whether the airline serves meals on board and the kind of charges levied on the same. This is important especially if you are taking flights during lunch times or other hours when filling and sumptuous meals are a must. Once all these factors are carefully pencilled in and resolved, you can go ahead and book your tickets with elan!

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