When to Call an Air Duct Cleaning Service in Idaho Falls, ID

by | Nov 12, 2019 | Air Duct Cleaning Service

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Most modern central heating, cooling, and ventilation systems use ducts to convey heated air throughout the home. These ducts need to be maintained to ensure that the systems can operate efficiently and prevent airborne contaminants from entering indoor environments. Read on to find out about a few of the reasons that homeowners should hire an Air Duct Cleaning Service in Idaho Falls ID to keep them clean and operational.

Indoor Allergies

If one or more members of a family suffer from indoor allergies to dust mites, pet dander, or other airborne contaminants, cleaning the ducts can prevent potentially serious health complications. Check the registers. If they are dusty or are collecting debris, chances are that the duct system needs to be professionally cleaned.

Visible Mold

Air ducts can create a perfect environment for mold growth. Once the spores enter the duct system, they can be transported throughout the house, causing damage to belongings and placing residents’ health at risk. When this is the case, contact an Air Duct Cleaning Service in Idaho Falls ID that also has experience treating mold.

Signs of Vermin

If a home is infested with rodents or insects, they may live in or move throughout the home via its duct system. Schedule a professional cleaning following any extermination service to ensure that they are free of vermin.

Decreased Efficiency

The buildup of dust and debris in air ducts can cause heating and cooling systems to run less efficiently. When homeowners notice their monthly utility bills spiking but can’t find any other reason for it, they may want to hire a duct cleaning company to make sure the problem isn’t related to dust buildup in their air ducts.

Getting Ready to Sell

Getting ready to sell a home? Dirty ducts won’t look very appealing to potential buyers. A cleaning company can remove both visible debris around the registers and hidden air contaminants inside the duct system.

The Bottom Line

It’s important to keep ducts clean, but the EPA doesn’t make any specific recommendations regarding how often to schedule professional maintenance. Homeowners should use their best judgment when deciding whether it’s time to schedule a cleaning. Those who are unsure about the state of their ducts can Contact Henderson Restoration & Cleaning to schedule a consultation today.

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