How Can the Dentist in West Covina Improve Your Smile with Implants?

by | Jan 22, 2014 | Dentist

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These days, more and more people are seeking cosmetic dental treatments to improve their smiles, thus improving their appearance. One of the biggest problems people face is missing teeth. Missing teeth can cause gaps in your smile, making you feel less attractive and even nervous dealing with social situations. If you are one of these people, there is now an improved option available, to replace missing teeth and improve your smile. This method is carried out through the Dentist in West Covina placing dental implants in your gums. Many people are amazed at just how real these teeth look and function.

Tips For Getting Dental Implants

These tips can help you to be better prepared for the surgery that will give you your implants. The Dentist in West Covina will also give you instructions to follow for your before and after care. It is imperative for you to follow these instructions so your procedures goes smoothly and you are at less risk for problems.

1. Do not eat or drink before your procedure. Your dentist will inform you of when you should stop eating or drinking the night before. You will need to avoid eating and drinking because the anesthesia you are given during the procedure can make you ill, especially if you have food on your stomach.

2. You will need to have someone to drive you home after your procedure. Anethesia will make you feel groggy and sleepy. You will need to go home and rest for a couple of days, to allow your body to heal from the surgery.

3. It will take about three to four weeks for you to heal from the surgery before you have your teeth put in. It is critical you take good care of your gums and avoid foods and activities that could cause damage.

4. Once your new teeth are in, you will need to avoid some foods and activities, to protect your new teeth from damage.

If you would like to learn more about dental implants and how they can dramatically improve your smile, contact West Covina Family Dentistry. They offer a wide array of dental services, for your entire family.

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