Funeral Directors in Middletown Help Families Develop Appropriate Services for Non-Religious Relatives

by | Aug 29, 2016 | Cremation

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When a family is faced with the unexpected death of a loved one, they rely on funeral directors Middletown is known for. One situation that can cause conflict occured when the deceased individual was not religious but the rest of the family is. The relatives may feel troubled about not having a religious funeral or memorial service, but they also may truly want to acknowledge the loved one’s beliefs. Funeral directors can help the family arrange a service that is entirely dignified and respectful while keeping faith-based elements out of it.

If these relatives feel a great need to at least have a prayer or a song included, they can choose words that are spiritual but not connected with a specific faith. A prayer that doesn’t directly address God, for instance, is one everyone can participate in. Those who do not like trying to speak with a divine being, the universe or even a force in nature may use the prayer as an affirmation of sorts. A minute of silence can also be included, during which some attendees can choose to pray. If the family does not want to have a clergy member speak at the service, they’ll need to handle the eulogies themselves or find another person willing to help.

Funeral directors Middletown is known for can provide bulletin boards and tables for photos and other memorabilia. Even when a funeral service is scheduled for just a few days after the death occurs, relatives typically have a fair bit of time on their hands. They may appreciate staying busy by developing a photo display and a small collection of the person’s belongings reflecting a love of certain hobbies and other interests.

An organization such as the John P. Condon Funeral Home fully respects the family’s wishes and does not try to intrude. They offer compassionate support during this difficult time and can provide a variety of suggestions as to how religious families manage a non-religious funeral. Afterward, everyone will feel a sense of closure because the loved one’s wishes were accepted, yet the service still allowed attendees a formal moment to speak with their God if they wanted to. Visit website to learn more.

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